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Girls Take Charge

Villanova University

Postponed for summer of 2020

Updates provided in March 2021 for summer!

-4th/5th Grade Program

-6th/7th/8th Grade Program

Welcome to the Villanova University GTC location!


Please review the information below to learn more about what to expect during the week! 

We are looking forward to a great one! 


Remember, each year we change about 50% curriculum so our returners can enjoy new activities as well as see how they have grown in some of the program's favorite activities.  Each week is the same program.  Content does not vary each week.  

GTC Program Overview

GTC Program Overview

What is Girls Take Charge?

Girls Take Charge is a life and leadership program for middle school and high school girls. The program is highly interactive and provides an opportunity for girls to fully express their thoughts and experiences!

The Girls Take Charge curriculum has been carefully designed after years of research, surveys, and facilitation to ensure it maximizes all opportunities to teach girls key life and leadership skills that matter in real life. All girls will benefit from the specially designed set of workshops provided by GTC.

What will the week be like?

The award-winning curriculum has been carefully designed by the team members of Learning to Lead a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.


The curriculum is specialized based on the girls' school level so they learn age-appropriate skills while being surrounded by girls of a similar age. Most importantly, the program is designed to be fun and interactive!

Review the PROGRAM tab for exciting insights about the week and for an example of a daily schedule. 

What are some of the skills that you focus on during the week?

It is important for any future leader to first understand and realize who they are. We do several activities focused on developing strong and positive characteristics, skills, and interests. Some of the lessons used include:

  • Self-Awareness

  • Leadership 101

  • Self Esteem/Body Image

  • Strategies to Not Focus on Mean Girls

  • Growing Positive Relationships

  • Service Leadership

  • Effective Communication

  • Decision Making

  • Problem Solving

  • Teamwork

Who Attends Girls Take Charge?

GTC is open to all girls who are rising 5th graders to 9th graders.  Most of these girls are excited about their futures and look forward to spending time with fellow value-based girls, but we also have activities that help girls who are more shy to learn about themselves, to participate, and to be leaders as well.

Who are the staff members for the program?

Highly experienced educators serve as facilitators and program leaders for the week. In addition, local area women leaders serve as guest speakers and session leaders. College-aged women serve as junior facilitators so girls can learn from young women who have recently walked where they are walking. All GTC team members have all levels of child safety clearances. The GTC team has a passion for helping girls realize their full potential and can't wait to interact with your daughter.

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Registration, Tuition, Waitlist

Registration is now open! The program usually sells out by early Spring, so sign-ups are recommended to be completed early. Any girls who end up on the waitlist are provided the chance to enter the program the following summer prior to public registration.

What is the tuition?

Early tuition special for the Villanova University Program is $379 and includes daily lunch in the dining hall.  It also includes a free supervised hour from 3pm to 4pm Monday - Thursday.  After 3/1 the tuition is $410. 

Are there refunds for the program?

REFUND POLICY: FULL Refunds will be provided until April 30th, then from May 1st until May 15th a full refund may be provided if there is a waitlist and someone to take the registration spot. NO REFUNDS are provided after May 15th, including during the camp.

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Schedule, Location


Can my daughter be with a friend?

Of course! We want your daughter to have a great experience, including strengthening current friendships and gaining new ones. Friends can be together in most activities and dine together at lunch. Please note on the registration form if friends would like to be at the same or close by each other’s table.

The Girls Take Charge leadership program takes place in Dougherty Hall (Number 22 on the campus map) at Villanova University.  Parking is provided in the parking garage on South campus (labeled I-1).  Parents are asked to walk their daugthers to the programming room on the first day.  Parents can then sign a waiver for future days if they do not wish to sign their daugther in each day.  Pick up for the program takes place on lawn of Dougherty Hall near the intersection of Route 30 and Ithan Avenue.  In inclement weather, pick up will be in Dougherty Hall (22)  Please see the campus map for more information

Is Transportation provided?

Transportation is not provided, but we do post a carpool online board in late spring for parents who are interested in carpooling.

What are daily check-in times/locations/parking?

Check-in time for the program is 9:00am. Check out time is at 3pm. 

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what to bring

What to Bring

What should my daughter bring each day?

The attire for the week is comfortable and casual. Past participants have worn shorts, t-shirts, etc. Girls should also bring a refillable water bottle and morning snack.  We do try to get outside in the mornings for about 60 - 90 minutes (weather permitting including heat as well as outside space availability).  We suggesst you bring suntan lotion for this time. 

Phones and other technology?

Technology from participants are “bring at your own risk.” We ask that during the sessions cell phones are put away. Participants are welcome to check in at home or with friends during lunch or breaks. We are not responsible for any lost or stolen technology or personal items.

Lunch or snacks?

Please pack a hearty morning snack as our lunch time is later in the day.  Lunch is provided but not until 1pm each day. 

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Safety, Health and Wellness

What should I do if my daughter has food allergies or special dietary needs?

While students are welcome to bring their own snacks and drinks, if a participant has any dietary restrictions, please contact Beth Mooney at or 484-880-1458 to discuss further details or special accommodations. 

What should I do if my daughter needs to take medication during the day?

Some participants will need to bring medication. We ask that you note the need to bring medication on the application form along with how you would like the medication administered and stored. We do not have a nurse on staff.

What is your illness policy?

If a child becomes ill during the camp, the parent will be notified to pick up their child. We ask that parents pick up their child within an hour of when they are notified.


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Still need more info: Please contact Kellie Dunn at

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